Our Story


The story of us in a nutshell… IMG_0506

They Meet

On New Years Eve, 2012, Andy Geriak tells Beth “There’s a guy on my hockey team I want you to meet.”  A month or so goes by and Beth never hears from any hockey players.  She tells Andy “Your friend never called me.”  Andy says, “Oops, I forgot to give him your number.”  Meanwhile, in Februrary, 2013, Andy tells Dave, “I’ve got a girl for you.”  A week goes by and Andy still hasn’t given Dave Beth’s phone number.  Dave says to Andy, “Did I say something that made you change your mind?”  Andy says, “Sorry, here’s her number.”  A couple days later, Dave calls Beth and sets up their first date.

IMG_0579They Fall In Love

March 1, 2013 is the first date.  They hit it off and soon meet again for date number two. The third date is a double-date with Andy and his wife.   And the dating continues… Hiking, concerts, movies, cooking, discovering new restaurants, weekend road trips, are some of the many ways in which they connect.  Beth’s love of Yoga is rivaled only by Dave’s love of hockey.  The days between dates become fewer and fewer as the two grow more attached and virtually inseparable.  Their love is obvious almost immediately.  Beth soon realizes and says to Dave, “I can stop looking.”

They Get Engaged


Six months later, they are headed for Europe.   On the itinerary: a segway tour of Rome, a Mediterranean cruise, followed by a romantic week in Paris.  Before their departure, Dave visits with Beth’s parents, Roland and Judy to reveal his intentions and ask for their blessing. They whole heartedly welcome him to the family and wish him bon voyage.  The cruise’s second port of call is the beautiful Greek island, Mykonos.  A motorcycle ride across the island, a secluded beach, and a private cafe is the site of the proposal and the place where Beth says, “YES!”